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These sample checklists and questionnaires can be used within your agency to help reduce the potential for missing coverage recommendations with new and renewal policies. These checklists provide documentation of coverage the client rejected and show what coverage was discussed with the client. Whether you are a new agent or experienced, these checklists can help guide your conversation with the client.

Work Schedule Policy.png

Commercial Lines Data Intake Form

Use this short data intake form to when working with new Commercial Lines clients to gather the necessary information to start a quote.


Social Media Policy.png

Personal Lines Data Intake

This Personal Lines Data Intake form helps you gather the necessary information to start a quote for a client.


sample privacy statement.png

Commercial Lines New Business Checklist

This New Business Checklist should be used with every new commercial lines client to understand which coverages they would like, would not like and would like to learn more about.

Employee Social Media.png

Personal Lines New Business Checklist

The Personal Lines New Business Checklist can help you remember which coverage to ask about when you have a new client inquiring about a new policy.

Record Retention Schedule.png

Commercial Lines Renewal Questionnaire

Do you ask the right questions when a client is ready to renew their policy? Use this document to help guide your discussion.


Mission & Vision Statement.png

Personal Lines Renewal Questionnaire

This renewal questionnaire can help guide you as you ask questions to your personal lines clients during their renewal process.


These resources have been prepared for subscribing Virtual Agency Solutions agencies. By providing this document, Virtual Agency Solutions and the IIAW does not intend to provide, and is not providing, a legal opinion or legal advice. Please seek legal counsel when making a final decision regarding any legal document, disclaimer or agreement.

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Copyright 2024 Virtual Agency Solutions 
Jennifer Bejarano

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